Resistance is Fertile!

What you will learn

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Coming Fall 2022!

This course includes


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“Land is a tangible thing – something right in front of us, which we can see and feel, and a place where we can be and experience – and act.”


Land in Europe is under threat. Speculative investors, agribusinesses, and rampant neoliberalism all contribute to the concentration and consolidation of arable, protected, community-owned, and locally governed land. While higher-level advocacy efforts have been mobilised to protect land in Europe, the impact at the local level is often where the consequences of such consolidation are most severe. Learning to advocate for local land, for local communities, and in the service of local agricultural workers can help fight back against the aggressive onslaught of land concentration. This course introduces learners to the basics of land advocacy. It will provide the knowledge and skills needed to identify and articulate a land struggle, research relevant histories and collect data required to take a credible position on a land issue, map out and develop a broad network of allies, partners, and stakeholders, cultivate a cohesive, core advocacy team, write compelling, inspiring messaging, and create a realistic and forward-looking roadmap for advocacy action.


Week One: Land Advocacy Overview

Session One: What is Meant by Advocacy?

Session Two: Why Should We Advocate for Land?

Session Three: What’s the Situation in Europe?

Week Two: Starting an Advocacy Action Group

Session One: What’s Going on in Your Country?

Session Two: Who Are Your Allies?

Week Three: Advocacy Roadmaps

Session One: Group Development

Session Two: Articulate Your Key Message

Session Three: Build a Roadmap


Live Sessions

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