AYE – Teachers resource: Glossary

AYE – Teachers resource: Glossary

By: AYE!

This digital platform intends to provide YOU (trainers, lecturers, group leaders or even teachers who work with youth in their everyday practice) with data, understanding and tools to dive in with your group of young people into the complexity and beauty of the important societal and environmental concept of Agroecology. This platform will guide you through the various fields where Agroecology is spreading its roots, and where it meets human society.

About the author

AYE – Agroecological Youth Education for Future Erasmus Plus Project 020-3-CZ01-KA205-0940 Agroecological Youth Education for Future (AYE!) is an Erasmus+ project that aims to increase the environmental awareness and ecological literacy of the youth by introducing them to agroecology as a holistic science which provides solutions for sustainable environment and sustainable food systems.


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