Country Dossiers – SALSIFI Advocacy for Agroecology Partnerships

Country Dossiers – SALSIFI Advocacy for Agroecology Partnerships

The Country Dossiers aim to provide policymakers, researchers,practitioners, and the general public with a comprehensive understanding of the diverse approaches and practices related to CSA and LSPA in each country. These documents serve as a vital tool to empower stakeholders and decision-makers to formulate informed policies and initiatives, fostering the growth and resilience of sustainable food systems within their respective nations.

The compilation of these dossiers is the result of collaborative efforts between project partners from Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Spain, and the expertise provided by URGENCI, an esteemed organization known for its dedication to promoting CSA and LSPA globally. Together, they have meticulously examined the landscape of sustainable and community-centered agricultural practices, aiming to create a diverse and insightful collection of information.


About the author

SALSIFI (Supporting Advanced Learning for Stakeholders Involved in Sustainable Food systems Initiatives) is an Erasmus+ Project aiming to develop and implement an innovative transnational education programme reinforcing the capacity of CSA networks and civil servants to engage in collaborative public food policy-making processes. The partnership consists of: URGENCI – France; DEAFAL – Italy; AMAP IdF – France; AMPI – Czechia; ASAT – Romania; GASAP – Belgium; ICLEI – Germany; Solawi Netzwerk – Germany; TVE – Hungary; Zambra – Spain
Project ID: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080270


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