Diag’AMAP: a tool to exchange in your AMAP and question your practices

Diag’AMAP: a tool to exchange in your AMAP and question your practices

Diag’AMAP is a tool that allows: – To facilitate dialogue and exchange on the functioning of an AMAP at a given moment in time, take a step back on its practices and identify areas for improvement – To ensure that the operation and activities carried out in the AMAP are consistent with the ethics of AMAP (Charter of AMAP) and the legal framework of AMAP (non-profit, general interest and AMAP collective mark)

About the author

Le MIRAMAP est le Mouvement Inter-Régional des AMAP. Il a pour objectif de renforcer la cohésion des AMAP à travers le partage d’une éthique commune, de mutualiser les expériences et les pratiques et d’assurer la représentation et la mise en valeur des AMAP au niveau national.


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