Food Policy Handbook – SALSIFI Advocacy for Agroecology Partnerships

Food Policy Handbook – SALSIFI Advocacy for Agroecology Partnerships

Welcome to the practical “Food Policy Handbook,” a comprehensive guide that showcases sustainable food policies at local, national,European, and Eastern European levels, drawing on real-life examples from various countries where the CSA/LSPA (Community Supported Agriculture / Local Solidarity Partnerships in Agriculture) movement has been a driving force for positive change.

In this handbook, we delve into the world of policymaking, sharing hands-on experiences of how CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture)and LSPA (Local Solidarity-Purchasing Initiatives) have played pivotal roles in shaping these policies. Our focus is on providing concrete examples and actionable insights to empower food communities,comprising farmers, future farmers, rural development organizations,consumers’ groups, CSA networks, local authorities’ staff, environmental groups, and more.

About the author

SALSIFI (Supporting Advanced Learning for Stakeholders Involved in Sustainable Food systems Initiatives) is an Erasmus+ Project aiming to develop and implement an innovative transnational education programme reinforcing the capacity of CSA networks and civil servants to engage in collaborative public food policy-making processes. The partnership consists of: URGENCI – France; DEAFAL – Italy; AMAP IdF – France; AMPI – Czechia; ASAT – Romania; GASAP – Belgium; ICLEI – Germany; Solawi Netzwerk – Germany; TVE – Hungary; Zambra – Spain
Project ID: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080270


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