From Vegetable Box to Seafood Cooler

From Vegetable Box to Seafood Cooler

From Vegetable Box to Seafood Cooler: Applying the Community-Supported Agriculture Model to Fisheries

Lisa M. Campbell , Noëlle Boucquey , Joshua Stoll , Henry Coppola & MartinD. Smith

Community-supported fisheries (CSF) projects show signs of rapid growth. Modeled on community-supported agriculture (CSA) projects, CSFs share objectives of reducing social and physical distance between consumers and producers and re-embedding food systems in social and environmental contexts. This article offers a comparison of CSF and CSA, situated in the differences between seafood and agricultural products, and fishing and farming. We draw on economic and resource theory, past research on CSA, and a member survey from a case study CSF. Survey results show CSF members are interested in accessing high-quality,fresh, local seafood, and in supporting fishing communities, and they believe that participating in a CSF achieves both. They are less certain that a CSF can address environmental concerns, and few identify environmental motives as their primary reason for participating. The latter contrasts with CSA research results, and we contextualize these findings in our broader comparison.

About the author

An International Journal Publishes research on the interaction of society and natural resources, including protected area management and governance, impact, and social implications.


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