Legal Guide on Farm to Fork Procurement

Legal Guide on Farm to Fork Procurement


How to support small-scale farmers and companies in public food tendering.

This guide aims to offer practical legal advice to public procurers and stakeholders interested in connecting public food procurement with small-scale farmers and SMEs, focusing on short food supply chains. The guide addresses procurement methods, organization, and criteria aligned with the COACH project’s goals of sourcing healthy, sustainable, and affordable food from local suppliers. The toolkit provides insights into making tender processes more accessible to SMEs and farmers, covering topics ranging from legal considerations for tenders below thresholds to criteria for tenders above thresholds, and exploring innovative approaches like dynamic food procurement.

About the author

COACH is a 3-year EU funded project focusing on collaborative agri-food initiatives anchored in territorial food systems. The project aims to facilitate collaboration between farmers, consumers, local governments and other actors to scale up short agri-food chains which rebalance farmers’ position, create win-wins for producers and consumers and drive innovation in territorial food systems. The project began on 1st November 2020.


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