Organising a training session

Organising a training session

The principles of teaching that we promote in this curriculum are based on the facilitation process rather than sharing readymade recipes. For many trainers that are new to this process, it can be quite challenging, because every training session will be unique, depending on the participants and the interaction between them as well as the interaction with the trainer. It requires not only to have knowledge about the topic but also to have facilitation skills and the ability to adapt to the situation. To get a good result and build confidence, the process needs to be well-planned and organised. In the end, the learning outcome will be something that the learners will not only hear about but something they will remember and feel confident to implement in their everyday lives. Here are some practical tips on how to organise agroecology training.

About the author

The “Mediterranean Caravan: Learning and Sharing Agroecology – MedCaravan” project, supported by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme, is implemented between 2020 and 2023, by DEAFAL (Italy), Buğday Association for Supporting Ecological Living (Turkey), Zelena Tranzicija (Serbia), HSEP (Croatia), FCiencias. ID (Portugal) and URGENCI, the international network of all forms of Local Solidarity-based Partnerships for Agroecology (LSPAs). Project ID: 2020-1-IT02-KA204-079836


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