Policy Brief: Human rights must be placed at the heart of EU food systems transformation

Policy Brief: Human rights must be placed at the heart of EU food systems transformation


FIAN International is a human rights organisation committed to the struggle of grassroots social movements around the globe to defend and protect the Right to Food and Nutrition and induce a paradigm shift sustained by food sovereignty principles. European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) is a confederation of unions and organisations of peasant farmers, small and medium-scale farmers, and agricultural workers across Europe. Rooted in the right to Food Sovereignty, it works at acquiring fair, solidarity-based and sustainable food and agricultural policies that respond to current food, climate and biodiversity crises.

About the author

COACH is a 3-year EU funded project focusing on collaborative agri-food initiatives anchored in territorial food systems. The project aims to facilitate collaboration between farmers, consumers, local governments and other actors to scale up short agri-food chains which rebalance farmers’ position, create win-wins for producers and consumers and drive innovation in territorial food systems. The project began on 1st November 2020.


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