Soil Fertility Presentation (Paola Cassiano)

Soil Fertility Presentation (Paola Cassiano)

By: Deafal

Paola Cassiano’s presentation showcases the best practices for building and sustaining the healthiest and most sustainable soil in the Mediterranean region. With a mix of composting, avoiding erosion (by non-selective grazing of herd animals and keyline design), enhancing plant biodiversity, and the right selection of crops, producers and farmers can sustain rich, productive, and sustainable soils.

About the author

Deafal (European Delegation for Family Farming in Asia, Africa and Latin America) is a non-profit Non-Governmental Organization born in 2000. Deafal operates in the rural development sector with the following goals:

  • Empowering the most vulnerable categories of society –particularly small scale farmers – in the global South as well as in the North in a logic of mutual cooperation South-South and South-North, besides the North-South one;
  • Acting in defence of environmental sustainability and biodiversity preservation in the South and North of the world;

  • Promoting food security and food sovereignty in the South and North of the world. 


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