Solid Base -Financial Sustainability Education for Solidarity-Based Food Systems’

Solid Base -Financial Sustainability Education for Solidarity-Based Food Systems’

Guide for trainers of the Solid Base training programme

Solidarity-based food systems (SFS) are in rapid growth in most European countries. However, Solid base partners identified that these small-scale farm-based businesses are facing challenging situations —even if they do enjoy strong financial support from their local communities. In order to understand the situation and better map the educational needs, the project started with European research which proved to be an essential resource in the training planning process. Based on the main finding partners designed a modular training programme and tested in three partner countries (Hungary, Czechia and Germany). The four modules of the Solid Base training programme are

●Training module 1: Management

●Training module 2: Financial planning

●Training module 3: Digital tools

●Training module 4: Participatory inclusion techniques

This guide summarises the training package, gives relevant background information about the different dimensions of financial sustainability of SFS’s, and identifies best practices and provides analytical guidance as a base for Solid base modular trainings.

About the author

The project “Solid Base -Financial Sustainability Education for Solidarity-Based Food Systems” was formed by five partners to design a European core training programme and support educational tools. The partners are Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete, (coordinator, Hungary), Asociace místních potravinových iniciativ (Czech Republic), Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft (Germany), the international network, Urgenci (based in France) and Forschungsgesellschaft die Agronauten e.V. (Germany). The training programme aims to support the long-term financial sustainability of solidarity-based food systems, especially in the case of community supported agriculture.


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