Sustainability vision and strategy of the City of Ghent

Sustainability vision and strategy of the City of Ghent


The City of Ghent in Belgium chooses to use the term “short supply chain” instead of “local” when talking about its own purchases. The short supply chain is about cutting out unnecessary intermediate links that do not add value. As such, focus is shifted from a subjective definition of which suppliers are “local enough” to buy goods or services from, to a more objectively justifiable approach, where focus is on se-curing the optimum value for money, an approach that is much more in line with European procurement rules and principles. This focus allows them to reach suppliers who produce closer to home without dis-torting competition and they strive to pay a fair price to the farmer/producer.

About the author

COACH is a 3-year EU funded project focusing on collaborative agri-food initiatives anchored in territorial food systems. The project aims to facilitate collaboration between farmers, consumers, local governments and other actors to scale up short agri-food chains which rebalance farmers’ position, create win-wins for producers and consumers and drive innovation in territorial food systems. The project began on 1st November 2020.


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