Sustainable food systems through public food procurement and collaborative agri-food chains

Sustainable food systems through public food procurement and collaborative agri-food chains

Public food procurement can help to support small-scale farmers and at the same time improve the access to fresh, seasonal and healthy food in the public canteens. This video is the first-ever cartoon on farm-to-fork sustainable public procurement and highlights the importance of a multi-stakeholders approach in promoting inclusive, healthy, and sustainable food procurement processes from farm to fork. The message is clear: with the right procurement criteria, all the Sustainable Development Goals can fit on one public plate. Small Plate, Big Impact!

About the author

COACH is a 3-year EU funded project focusing on collaborative agri-food initiatives anchored in territorial food systems. The project aims to facilitate collaboration between farmers, consumers, local governments and other actors to scale up short agri-food chains which rebalance farmers’ position, create win-wins for producers and consumers and drive innovation in territorial food systems. The project began on 1st November 2020.


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