Sustainable food systems through public food procurement and collaborative agri-food chains

Sustainable food systems through public food procurement and collaborative agri-food chains


The F2F Procurement Toolkit is mainly addressed to public authorities in order to promote practical and legally sound approaches for opening up food and catering tenders to SMEs and small-scale farmers. The Manifesto for establishing minimum standards for public canteens across the EU to push for the adoption of virtuous mandatory criteria to transform our food system from public food procurement (‘Buy Better Food Campaign’)

A Petition for a healthy school meal for every child in every school which is a call for action to ask the EU institutions and Member states to guarantee healthy school meals and food education for every child in every EU school.

The animated video aims to show how public food procurement can help to support small-scale farmers and at the same time improve access to fresh, seasonal and healthy food in the public canteens. This video has been uploaded on Youtube ( and it is the first-ever cartoon on farm-to-fork sustainable public procurement and highlights the importance of a multi-stakeholders approach in promoting inclusive, healthy, and sustainable food procurement processes from farm to fork.

The message is clear: with the right procurement criteria, all the Sustainable Development Goals can fit on one public plate. Small Plate, Big Impact! The video has been displayed on several occasions to introduce farm-to-fork procurement (e.g. Breakfast@Sustainability, multi-actor dialogues and training). It introduces three key resources to translate sustainable food system principles into procurement strategies and tender criteria

About the author

ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development by influencing sustainability policy and driving local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. CityFood is a flagship program of ICLEI that aims to accelerate local and regional government action toward sustainable food systems transformation. It spans a number of projects and initiatives across all of ICLEI’s Regional Offices and brings together local and regional governments as well as critical global and regional partners. Its clear mandate is leveraging the power of food for resilient futures.


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