Highlights from "Advocacy in Eastern Europe for Sustainable Food Systems"
Introduction to Advocacy in Eastern Europe for Sustainable Food Systems (Advocacy in EE)
Does Eastern Europe have a specific dynamic regarding the development of LSPA (Local Solidarity Partnerships for Agroecology)? Together, let’s find different methods and models to build a more sustainable food system. The module is designed for consumers and producers interested in finding out more information about CSA in Hungary and Romania. It may also be of interest to representatives of local authorities and NGOs engaged in increasing access to locally produced food.
During the training you will learn about LSPA in Hungary and Romania. In the module, you will discover the realities and challenges within different types of LSPAs (e.g., CSA and buying groups). You will also get insight into the activities of the Romanian and Hungarian CSA organisations ASAT and TVE. This module outlines how these organisations have been helping the Romanian and Hungarian CSA movement for years. Finally, you will have the opportunity to interactively get ideas and help promote local food production systems yourself, and exchange experiences with others.
Organised by:
Mihaela Vetan ASAT, Romania
Noémi Andacs Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete TVE, Hungary
Podcast Episodes
Interview with Zoltan Dezseny on how we came to set up a CSA in Hungary.
Mihaela Vețan, the initiator of the ASAT in Romania. Let’s find out how CSA was developed in Romania, which was the barriers and opportunities to build a model based on solidarity. After 15 years, is it still a valid model for Romanian society?
A Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete (ACC) vagy magyarul Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete (TVE) 2001 óta támogatja a fenntartható, körkörös, etikus, tisztességes és igazságos fogyasztást és életmódválasztást.
Brândușa Birhală, a young mother, peasant, and member of ASAT network. Let’s find her motivation for agriculture and how a young producer can contribute to changing the food system.
Live Session Clips

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