Small Producers at the Crossroads (local level advocacy)
Small food producers are at a crossroads (environmentally, societally and economically) and their choices at this crossroads will affect their resilience. This course explores how we can build bridges between different actors (citizens, public authorities, NGOs and organizations working with local solidarity partnerships and community-supported agriculture) in our food systems.
Organised by:
Anna Morera, Alice Bognetti Deafal, Italy
Timothée Collin GASAP, Belgium
Podcast Episodes
In the first episode of the mini-podcast series for the SALSIFI project we had a chat with the founder of , an italian parent’s advocacy campaign serving as an observatory to monitor the state of school catering services with the aim to improve the quality of food in public school canteens.
Timothée Collin from GASAP interviews Eléonore Barrelet – the co-coordinator of Agrocecology in Action in Belgium.
In questo episodio del podcast dedicato al progetto europeo SALSIFI intervistiamo Domenico Maffeo della CSA Venezia Mestre Treviso: parliamo del suo impegno con la CSA della Bio-fattoria Rio Selva, del suo impegno con il DES Distretto di Economia Solidale Oltreconfin e sosteniamo la RICSA, Rete Italiana CSA.
Live Session Clips
What are the main challenges for small farmers in public procurement? How could benefit from public tenders?
Peter Defranceschi from ICLEI addresses these and other questions in his presentation about public food procurement advocacy.
Giacomo and Alecia from Italy share their experiences of setting up the Cooperativa Agricola Co.R.AG.GIo.
A presentation of the Bio-Fattoria Selva, a CSA farm and co-housing project which cooperated a lot with the local municipality in its set-up.

Project ID: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080270