Highlights from "EU Process and Priorities for LSPAs"
Advocating in Europe: EU Process and Priorities for LSPAs (EU Advocacy)
Local food policymaking is important and meaningful for strong, resilient, and effective CSA networks, LSPAs, and local food producers.
However, without a clear understanding of the broader, regional food policies and institutions that govern Europe, food producers and their allies will not be able to influence changes at a larger scale. This module introduces participants to the various EU institutions responsible for global food policy. They will also be introduced to the main initiatives and processes right now that influence and affect food producers in Europe. Finally, this module will help participants learn the spaces (both inside and around EU institutions) where they can make impacts on regional food policymakers.
Organised by:
Isa Alvarez, URGENCI President, Zambra
Podcast Episodes
Local Solidarity-based Partnerships for Agroecology are gaining momentum as consumers and producers see the need for a change in the food system. However, doing advocacy at the EU level for LSPA comes with a set of challenges. In this episode, the current co-president of URGENCI Isa Alvarez-Vispo speaks to her predecessor and international advocacy expert Judith Hitchman about those challenges.
Advocating for another CAP (French with English subtitles)
Live Session Clips

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