Highlights from "Building Blocks of Advocacy"
Building Blocks of Advocacy (National level advocacy)
This module is an introduction to three important fields of advocacy: Public Relations, Coalitions and Lobbying. It serves to expand the knowledge about advocacy for organizations in the sector of agroecology and short food supply chains. The module will help organizations reflect on their own capacities and possibilities with regard to advocacy. This module explores the basics of advocating at the national level using three thematic topics: Public Relations, Alliance Building, and Lobbying.
Organised by:
Alena Wranová AMPI, Czechia
Baldur Kapusta Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft, Germany
Podcast Episodes
Interview with Andrea Klerman, Head of Public Relations in the SOLAWI Network. Andrea highlights the network’s activities in political advocacy through current developments and practical examples of the network activities (e. g. working group on political advocacy). Listen to the podcast for more information…
Interview with Leonie Guerrero Lara, PhD student in the UNMAKING project. Leonie is doing transdisciplinary research on grassroots movements like the SOLAWI Network. Among other things, she studied the political activities of the network and identified insight and outsight strategies. Listen to the podcast for more information…
In this episode of the podcast, Ondřej Sovík (from Cine4Net) shares his years of experience as a documentary filmmaker about how storytelling can be an inspiring way and an important part of advocacy. Ondřej also became more interested in what is happening in LSPA networks during a recent collaboration with Urgenci and Association AMPI, which resulted in the short documentary “CSA as a LifeCOACH”. A film developed to explore the value of mentorships and apprenticeships in small-scale, agroecological farming in the dynamic world of community supported agriculture.
Interview mit Veikko Heintz, einer der Mitgründer des Netzwerkes Solidarische Landwirtschaft und langjähriges Vorstandsmitglied. Veikko hat bedeutend dazu beigetragen, dass die SOLAWI Bewegung in Deutschland in der Politik sichtbarer wird. Anhand des Dreiklangs “Öffentlichkeitsarbeit”, “Bündnisarbeit” und “Lobbyarbeit” erläutert er Strategien politischer Arbeit auf nationaler Ebene. Höre dir den Podcast an, um mehr zu erfahren…
In this episode of the podcast, Václav Izák (from Nadace Partnerství) presents his experiences and feelings from coordinating an advocacy project aimed at systemic changes to increase the resilience of the Czech landscape to the impacts of climate change, improve access to land and support ecological farming practices.
Live Session Clip
Foundations of Political Advocacy – an introduction for CSA networks and other food movements by Leonie Guerrero Lara

Project ID: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080270