Land & Food Policies

To achieve sustainable systemic changes in our food system we need strong policies that support agroecological methods, that protect land from unsustainable use and ensure tenure rights for peasant farmers around the world. Food policies are a tool that helps to ensure that all people have access to safe, affordable, and healthy food. These policies can have a local, national, territorial or even international scope. In our courses we explore these areas of policy making and aim to build skills around engaging in advocacy activities at different levels.

Land & Food Policy focus topics

ADVOCADO - Advocacy learning platform

Supporting Advanced Learning for Stakeholders Involved in Sustainable Food systems Initiatives – SALSIFI

SALSIFI aims to develop and implement an innovative transnational education programme reinforcing the capacity of CSA networks and civil servants at local, regional, national and EU levels to engage in collaborative public food policy-making processes.

Responding to Hunger

The “Responding to hunger: toolkit for learning and action” e-learning module will seek to support participants to assess the realization of the right to food and nutrition in local, national, regional contexts, with a specific focus on institutional and political barriers to social inclusion and participation.

Land and Food Policy resources

Resistance is fertile!

This course introduces learners to the basics of land advocacy. It will provide the knowledge and skills needed to identify and articulate a land struggle, research relevant histories and collect data required to take a credible position on a land issue, map out and develop a broad network of allies, partners, and stakeholders, cultivate a cohesive, core advocacy team, write compelling, inspiring messaging, and create a realistic and forward-looking roadmap for advocacy action!