Alternative Grains
Alternative grains are becoming increasingly important in transforming the food system as both producers and consumers appreciate the value of biodiverse, organic, and agroecological produce. There is a growing recognition of the significance of alternative grain networks and value chains that offer local, heritage, and landrace cereal varieties to meet consumer demands for healthier, more nutritious, and ecologically sustainable food options. This trend highlights the increased acknowledgment of value chains that utilize local agricultural biodiversity to supply food products.
The main objective of the online training course on Alternative Grain Networks is to encourage and empower both new and already operating actors to participate actively in the development of collaborative grain economies.
By taking the course you will discover the fundamentals and benefits of alternative grains. You can learn about some of the most pressing challenges that existing initiatives face and get inspired by the new and creative ways in which they work together.
You are invited to be part of a live and growing network of enthusiastic and dedicated people, farmers, millers, bakers, brewers, etc., as well as conscious consumers from various parts of Europe, who are one way or another contributing to creating healthier, more just and resilient food systems.
Course developed by ESSRG – Environmental Social Science Research Group (Hungary) within the COACH project.
Discover beacons working on grain
Elkana - Georgia
This initiative, led by a local farmers’ organisation in Georgia, aims to conserve endangered indigenous varieties of wheat wiped out by the Soviet planned economy in the 1960s. These varieties are being reintroduced into fields by small and medium farmers for local and commercial consumption.

Bread festival in Akhaltsikhe
The Akhaltsikhe Bread Festival, organized by the Biological Farming Association “Elkana” attracted 4-5 thousand attendees, showcasing traditional local products and promoting agritourism. The event featured local cuisine, traditional handicrafts, cultural performances, and a photo contest, with event details shared through various media channels and interviews conducted with producers and consumers. For more information, visit
At the Festival, a separate space was dedicated to Georgian wheat. Guests had chance to taste a variety of locally baked bread and local products. Special prizes were awarded to the producers of Akhaltsikhe “Tsiteli Doli” (“Red wheat”) and owners of agrotourism farms. The event also hosted a photo exhibition – “Samtskhe-Javakheti – Infinity in Variety” where the best photos included in the photo contest – Yourshot Georgia organized with National Geographic, were presented.(

Farmer Miller Baker Network - Hungary
The Farmer-Miller-Baker Network aims to re-connect farmers, millers, bakers and researchers in Hungary to re-establish historically broken local supply chains. They focus on artisanal bakery products made with stone-milled flour from landrace and heritage cereals, an approach which is unique in the Hungarian context.
Granennetwerk - Belgium
Granennetwerk is a collaborative initiative that shortens and strengthens the link between farmer and brewer and provides fair pricing and stability for those involved. Cereals, including heritage varieties, are grown locally using agroecological practices.

Gran Prato - Italy
A regional and collaborative cereal supply chain initiative aiming to re-localise and promote grain production to support traditional, equitable and sustainable practices.

COACH has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000918